The Car Files: Thoughts of an Enthusiast

9 Concepts That Should Have Been Built


Just a quick one for y’all. Here’s 10 concept cars, that should have been built. They all probably would have been groundbreaking, trendsetting, and probably legendary, if they would have been made. So, when they were giving us all of these kind of boring and/or completely unnecessary cars and trucks, derived from concepts, they probably should have gave us these!

It’s Friday and I’m feeling lazy, so no reasons here. Besides, I think most of these rides, speak for themselves.

Pontiac G8 GT/ST/Wagon

Peugoet Quartz


Bugatti 16c Galiber


Ford EX Off Road


Jeep Hurricane


Shelby GR-1/Shelby Cobra


Toyota Alessandro Volta


Hummer HX


Lamborghini Estoque


Audi Quattro Concept 2012


